About Debbie Berkeley

As a coach and advocate for people with disabilities, I love working with young adults who are facing major transitions in their lives. I help each client thrive as they adjust to a new college campus and curriculum, experience independent living for the first time, move on to a graduate program, or enter a professional workspace. 

Hi, I’m Debbie,

Going to college and choosing a career was definitely not a smooth and easy path for me. After a bumpy start in college, I graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville with a B.A. in English. Seven years later, after spending some time in the workforce, I attended graduate school and earned a Masters degree in Counseling from Central Michigan University. 

In 2000, I returned to the Charlottesville area and worked at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center in Fishersville, VA, where I provided case management and career transition counseling until 2006, when I was hired as Assistant Director of the Student Disability Access Center at the University of Virginia. I remained in this position until May 2021. In August 2022, I earned a post-baccalaureate professional certificate in Learning Differences and Neurodiversity, with a specialization in Executive Function from Landmark College Institute for Research and Training.

With nearly twenty-five years experience working with individuals with disabilities, I have gained a great deal of insight about how to educate and advocate for independence, self-determination, inclusivity and acceptance with diplomacy and good humor.

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Ed, watching classic movies, reading graphic novels, making art, and playing with my dog, Zeke.