
My services are customized to meet your individual strengths and needs.

Academic/Study Skills Coaching

  • How to read college textbooks and get through large amounts of assigned readings every week, (and how to remember what you have read). 

  • How to make the most of your study time (i.e., the time when you are NOT in class). 

  • How to take effective class notes. 

  • How to plan and write strong essays. 

  • How to complete large projects. 

  • How to develop effective test-taking skills.

Executive Function Coaching

  • Time management skills.

  • Effective organization skills.

  • Planning and setting priorities.

  • Developing strategies for managing frustration and emotional regulation.

  • Strengthening problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Social Skills/Life Coaching

  • How to work with other students on group assignments.

  • How to approach and talk to your professor or TA. 

  • How and when to ask for help.

  • How to get along with roommates, resolve conflicts, and make friends.

  • How to communicate effectively (and avoid misunderstandings) via e-mail and text, and use social media appropriately. 

  • Guidance about dating and relationships, diet, health, and sleep. 

  • Budgeting and spending issues.


College Exploration & Planning

  • Identifying what accommodations and services will be needed in college.

  • Providing assistance in researching which schools offer these services and knowing who to contact/what questions to ask. 

  • Assistance in college essay writing, and the decision about if and when to disclose a disability during the college application process.

Job Coaching

  • Exploration of job interests and strengths. 

  • Concrete direction and resources on how to explore career options and organize job search. 

  • Support with resume writing, mock interviews, cover letters, and transition-to-work assistance.

Graduate School Planning

  • Help with understanding the graduate school application process.

  • Assistance with graduate school applications (from researching appropriate programs to completing the applications).

  • Guidance with identifying accommodations that are needed at the graduate level. 

  • Assistance with the transition to graduate school, including coordinating housing, establishing a meal plan, and a financial plan.

Other Support Services Include


Accommodation Consultation

  • Understanding what types of disability-related accommodations are available and reasonable. 

  • How to request these in school and the workplace.

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Assistance with Navigating “The System”

It can be complicated and overwhelming to find the resources and track down the information required to get supports in place.  I can assist with:

  • Finding and gathering this information. 

  • Unraveling the bureaucratic mysteries that sometimes make getting support challenging.

Something to note…

Virtual sessions as well as in-person sessions are available depending on your location and circumstances. I offer flexible payment plans, including package fees and hourly rates.

Please contact me for a free consultation!